about us

I worry

and I organize things

Mommy, UP! is the convergence of my two main hobbies: Worrying and Organizing. I get anxious venturing out to new places when I am also responsible for little people at the same time, so I research all I can. Just tracking down some pictures to help me get the lay of the land helps me head out with more confidence. 

When I learned about the importance of a childhood spent outdoors as a new parent, I embraced the mission wholeheartedly. We check out new playgrounds, walk the trails and find all kinds of kid destinations. What could be more fun than organizing and categorizing all of that information as we go?!

Happy Adventures!

Stacy Begin

The outdoors and nature is for everyone, so most of the places you’ll find featured are free and open to the public. Please make sure to be stewards of these destinations so that they can stay free and available for the next generation.

If you are visiting farm animals at a small farm stand, express your thanks by supporting the business however you can – sharing their great store or buying some of their harvest during your visit.

“Children cannot bounce off the walls if we take away the walls.”

transparent boots

Erin Kenny

Resources we love:

Discover your next adventure: