Natural Play Area at the Beaver Brook Association

Tucked under trees on the hill behind Beaver Brook Association’s main office, the Beaver Brook Natural Play Area is a perfect complement to your day out on the trails.

Let imagination reign here! Designed for independent and creative free play, there are all kinds of challenges, along with comfortable Leopold benches for the grown-ups.

Quick Facts: Beaver Brook’s Natural Play Area

  • Not fenced, though there is a stone wall between the play area and the road
  • Porta-potty down the hill on the yurt side of the parking lot
  • Jogging stroller friendly
  • Dirt parking lot
  • Shady location
  • Groundcover: Woodchips
  • Picnic Tables
  • Closest Real Bathroom: Hollis Social Library (Closed Sundays)
  • Closest Coffee: Buckley’s Market & Cafe (and a bathroom)
  • Address: 117 Ridge Rd, Hollis, NH
beaver brook natural play area
Walk, swing and balance, nothing more open-ended than this!
beaver brook nature play area cars
Always a popular spot and every kid has a steering wheel!
owl wobble bridge at beaver brook
The Owl Wobble Bridge

The Pièce de Résistance: Toddler-Sized Rope Swing

Beaver Brook natural play area toddler rope swing

Hat’s off to whoever can claim credit for this one in the planning meeting! In all my travels, I haven’t seen a rope swing that was so inviting while also being safe and appropriate for independent play. I feel such joy each time I see a kid play on it in a different way. Even for the taller kids (like 5-6yrs old) it is a great way to practice confidently and build their skills while still being close to the ground!


path to the Beaver Brook natural play area
Path leading from the gardens up the hill.
view from the beaver brook natural play area
View from the top of the hill down to the parking lot.

The Beaver Brook natural play area is hidden in the trees right behind the main Maple Hill Farm building/barn in Hollis, NH. When you enter, there is plenty of parking just past the barn with an extra overflow area in the field across the street. In the parking lot, if you look uphill there will be a large field and all the way to the left is a clump of trees against the road. Head that way! If you aren’t walking uphill, you are doing something wrong.

Outdoor Amphitheater is Home to Forest Tales

Beaver Brook natural play area outdoor amphitheater

The Beaver Brook Association hosts a weekly story time program called Forest Tales on Mondays at 10AM in the Spring and Fall. Hosted by Ms. Lindsey, it is free with no registration required – just show up! You can find more information in their program listings here. Meet the group at the benches right by the play area and then stay afterwards to play with new friends or wander the grounds. In inclement weather it might move to the barn, Ms. Lindsay will make it obvious where to find her!

Make a day of it and add a hike to your Beaver Brook natural play area adventure!

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