Birch Park Pump Track

Birch Park Pump Track is a great starter-track. The design allows the rider to make the loop easier or harder so everyone can ride at their comfort level.

Adventure to the Birch Park Pump Track!

Jump to Quick Facts

Before I was a parent I didn’t even know pump tracks were a thing. (Has it always been a thing?) Even after finding out about pump tracks it took me awhile to check one out because I was scared of badass dirt bikers flying all over the place. This was not a place I felt I would belong.

Birch Park Pump Track in Amherst, NH
It is kind of hard to capture mounds of dirt – best seen in person!

Well thanks to the mom network I heard enough good things about the Birch Park Pump Track and decided to give it a go. We strategically went early on a week day so that those scary badass dirt bikers would be in school or at work and I happily found we had the place to ourselves for a little while. Birch Park was the first pump track experience of my life and color me impressed, this was fun!

Amherst NH Bike Park
The tiny pink spot on the map is the bike park.

The Bike Park is just a small section of Birch Park. The pump track shares a parking lot with Birch Park’s Disc Golf Course. Don’t panic if you see the lot is packed, the disc golf course seems to be very popular so it doesn’t mean that the pump track is busy.

Our Bikes

Birch Park Pump Track in Amherst, NH
The Woom 3 took the jump off the see-saw a few times with no troubles!

Just for reference to help you figure out if your littles are ready for Birch Park, when our crew visited the pump track our two smallest members were a three-year-old on a Woom 1 balance bike and a six-year-old on a Woom 3 bike. Confident riders, but still little kids and not mountain bikes. The bikes did great and handled everything the track had to offer. We met friends that were on mountain bikes and they all meshed easily.

Birch Park Pump Track: A Flexible Path

Birch Park Pump Track in Amherst, NH

Though it was dumb luck that led me to this pump track first, I recommend it to others as a first pump track experience. The open design allows for a lot more flexibility than a very manicured and built up trail. The various challenges can easily be avoided as the rider goes around the track. For example, the balance bike kiddo took a few laps to work up going right over the middle of these mounds at the start of the track. Thanks to it being a quiet morning and each feature being surrounded by flat land, everyone was able to take baby steps rather than being thrown in the deep end to sink or swim!

Birch Park Pump Track in Amherst, NH

After the rollers at the top of the hill, the track leads you down to a very cool wooden berm that is totally optional. You can take the berm or follow the trail around behind it. Woom 1 never went for it, Woom 3 worked up to it and was doing it like nothing by the end of our visit.

Bike Park in Amherst, NH

The berm (or the trail behind) leads you to a wooden bridge. The ramp up is steep so you do need speed to make it and our crew walked the bikes up the initial ramp many times. Similar to the berm, there a dirt path that lets riders bypass the bridge completely.

The See Saws!

Well these things are mildly terrifying. I went up on this just on my feet and my brain immediately started sorting out the logistics of calling 911 because I was definitely about to break my leg. Spoiler alert, I survived.

Bike Park in Amherst, NH

There are two of these in the park. They are both off the main path so riders can totally skip them. Provided the bike park isn’t crowded, riders can take their time in navigating over when they are ready. The Woom 3 went over a few times succesfully. I wasn’t sure the Woom 3 was really meant for such a thing because there is a drop at the end, but it survived too!

Birch Park Pump Track: Quick Facts

Bike Park in Amherst, NH
There is a picnic table tucked under shady trees.
Parking LotDirt parking lot
Bathroom SituationPorta-potty
Sun ExposureTucked into the forest, there is plenty of shade
PicnicShady picnic table with a partially obstructed view of the track.
Ground CoverThe track is all packed dirt and wooden structures
Official PageAmherst Rec Department
Closest Food and BathroomIt is 2 minutes down the road to the Black Forest Cafe for coffee, lunch or snacks and a bathroom.
Nearby FunJust 1 minute down the road is the playground Joshua’s Park
Address11 Baboosic Lake Rd, Amherst, NH

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