Wasserman Park

Playground at Wasserman Park in Merrimack

Wasserman Park’s playground is one of the larger options in the area making it a great spot to meet up with your friends this summer!

Twin Bridge Park

Twin Bridge Merrimack

Twin Bridge Park is a wooden castle-style playground filled with twists, turns and secret spots! This is a low-visibility playground, because of the cool castle it can be hard to keep track of which nook and cranny your kids are adventuring through. If a constant visual is important to your little or to you, the […]

Friendship Park in Chelmsford

Friendship Park Chelmsford

At the aptly-named Friendship Park you will always have the opportunity to meet some new friends. This is a very popular spot and it is easy to see why when you visit.

Birch Park Pump Track

Amherst,NH Birch Park Pump Track

Birch Park Pump Track is a great starter-track. The design allows the rider to make the loop easier or harder so everyone can ride at their comfort level.

Pepperell’s Big Backyard

Pepperell's Big Backyard playground

Dare I call this one retro? Pepperell’s Big Backyard has an obstacle course line up of equipment – can you make it around the edge without touching the ground?

Granite Town Rail Trail in Milford

Tucked away minutes from the Milford Oval is this great section of rail trail. There is easy parking at the trailhead and a solar system model to keep everyone motivated along the way.

The Mystic Aquarium

The Mystic Aquarium with kids easily wins #1 aquarium in New England. Being able to see a beluga whale so close was a marvel none of us will soon forget!