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Ponemah Bog

Managed by the Audubon Society of New Hampshire, this well maintained wildlife sanctuary is a great place to learn about nature, bogs, and ecosystems.

The Ponemah Bog in Amherst is a unique experience. Except for a small section of forest, the walk is entirely on a boardwalk that takes you over a floating vegetation mat to the pond. If you only looked at your feet for the whole trail, you would see all kinds of different ground beneath you – from watery muck to moss to thick vegetation. Make sure to check out the Welcome Kiosk at the start of the trail, there is a lot of great information about flowers, bugs and other things in the bog habitat.

Along the path are three platforms that give you a chance to stop and take in the bog. The first has kind of lost its view of the pond thanks to trees growing around it but seemed like a perfect spot to watch for birds and bugs that make the bog their home – contingent upon the fact that you are with a crew interested in sitting quietly… The second two have a nice view of the pond and they all have a bench seat.

Due to the boardwalk size, you are in a single file line so I found it to be a very different vibe than a leisurely stroll in the forest. (Not bad, just different) This also isn’t the place to let a novice walker try out their skills. The youngest on the Mommy Up team was a skilled 2 yr old walker who did fine. Anyone likely to fumble their feet should be carried here.

ponemah bog warning sign
This sign gave me a whole new thing to fear in life. Just when I thought it was safe to stop worrying about quicksand…

In terms of resources, this bog is tucked into a residential neighborhood so even though you are surrounded by nature, you are minutes from civilization.

Quick Facts

  • Loop trail, 3/4 mile
  • Parking is a good sized dirt lot
  • Picnic table
  • Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! This is a long sleeves, long pants situation!
  • Not stroller friendly
  • No bathrooms
  • Address: Rhodoro Dr, Amherst, NH
  • ponemah bog

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